Check out Scrivo

Do you want to try out Scrivo? Then here's a demo for you that does not just get your feet wet but lets you plunge right in.

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What we'll need

As said, it is assumed that you have a running Web and MySQL server ready and this tarball of the Scrivo source at hand.

Installing the source

Create a web directory on your server and make sure that it is writable for the Web user. This is necessary because the installer will generate some files for you, but you are advised to apply your own permission policy after installation. Now extract the tarball in this directory.

Run the installer

Open your Web browser and navigate to http://my-host/my-folder/scrivo/dbc, in which my-host and my-folder are obviously placeholders for your system's values. This will open the Scrivo Database Console which you normally use to import and export content data. But since there is no database the Scrivo Database Console will try to create one for you.

Hopefully you see a screen with only green ticks, if not you'll need to update some stuff first.

Create the database

Now you're prompted with 4 options. Are you working locally (or over a secure connection) then opt for the first. If not and you don't want to send the database root password over Internet then go for the second or third option which require a little more work. The fourth option is for multiple installations on the same server only.

Enter the desired values and if all is right you are prompted with the instance details screen.

Create a Scrivo instance

A Scrivo instance is just a site, but because you can run multiple Scrivo sites on one server all sharing the same database so we call them instances. The form proposes some values and most likely you'll want to edit the 'Web root' and 'Admin password' settings. However in this case we don't care about the latter: it will be overwritten in the next step.

You've installed Scrivo!

Congratulations, you've just installed Scrivo. We have a website with just one page powered by an enterprise level CMS but that should not spoil the fun!

Let's take a short walkthrough before we'll start eating.

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