
SUI.control.HSVSelector is a hue, saturation, value color selection control as can be found in image manipulation programs as the GIMP. The user can make a color section by choosing the hue value from a bar and the saturation and value from a cartesian system. The hue bar is representing the perimeter of a color wheel cycling through the red, green and blue colors while blending into each other). The saturation and value are selected by selecting a point in an area that is set up by these two axes.

Extends SUI.Box
Defined in: control/HSVSelector.js

Constructor summary

Attr. Name / Description

SUI.control.HSVSelector(see, arg)

Create an HSV color selection control.

Member summary

Attr. Type Name Description
private SUI.Border


The box's border.

private int


The bottom position of the box.

private HTMLElementNode


The box's element node.

private int


The height of the box.

private int


The left position of the box.

private int


The listeners array.

private int


The maximum height of the box.

private int


The maximum width of the box.

private int


The minimum height of the box.

private int


The minimum width of the box.

private SUI.Padding


The box's padding.

private SUI.Box


The box's parent element.

private int


The right position of the box.

private int


The top position of the box.

private int


The width of the box.



Length of the hue, saturation and value axes.



Width of the crosshair line.



Width of the hue bar.



Height of the hue crosshair image.



Width of the hue crosshair image.



Padding of the control (half of the sat.-value crosshair image size).



Width and height of the saturation-value crosshair image



distance between the saturation-value pane and hue bar

Method summary

Attr. Type Name / Description


Get the absolute position (top/left) of this box on the page. Note: You can only use this function if the HTML content of the page is fully rendered.



Add a CSS class name to the class list of the HTML element associated with the box.


addListener(type, listener)

Add/register a listener function. This way it is possible to register more than one listener function on one target.

public SUI.Border


Get or set the border definition of the box.

public int


Get or set the bottom of the box.



Call a listener function. Execute the default and additional listener functions. Note: the framework should not execute the default listeners directly but always through this method to ensure the execution of additional listener functions.

public int


Get the client height of the box. The client height is the height of the box minus the top and bottom border and padding width.

public int


Get the client width of the box. The client width is the width of the box minus the left and right border and padding width.

public String


Set or get the HTML color code selection of the control.



Display HSV control. Set the size and position of the saturation-value pane, hue bar, crosshairs and set the background color of the saturation-value.



Draw the box on the screen. It executes a two phase process: a layout phase in which the size and positions of the box (and of it's contents, for more complex derivatives) is calculated and a display phase in which the CSS size and position of the box's (and possible it's child elements) is set.

public HTMLElementNode


Get the HTML element node of the box.

public int


Get or set the height of the box.

public int


Set or get the hue of the control's currently selected color and redisplay the control if the value was set.



Lay out the HSV control. Calculate the size and position of the saturation-value pane and hue bar.

public int


Get or set the left of the box.

public int


Get or set the maximum height of the box.

public int


Get or set the maximum width of the box.

public int


Get or set the minimum height of the box.

public int


Get or set the minimum width of the box.



onChange event handler: is executed when the control's color selection changes. This happens continuously when the user is dragging the crosshairs.

public SUI.Padding


Get or set the padding definition of the box.

public SUI.Box


Get or set the parent box of the box. When setting the parent the box's element node will be appended to the parent box's HTML element node.



Remove a box from the DOM tree.



Remove a CSS class name from the class list of the HTML element associated with the box.

public int


Get or set the right of the box.

public float


Set the saturation of the control's currently selected color and redisplay the control.



Set the CSS dimensions of this box and it's borders and padding. This is typically used in display functions to display boxes at the size and position that was calculated during layout.



Set the CSS postion of this box. This is typically used in display functions to display boxes at position that was calculated during layout. Note: use setDim if you want to set the position and size of the box.


setRect(t, l, w, h)

Set the top, left, width and height of a box in one go.

public int


Get or set the top of the box.

public float


Set the value of the control's currently selected color and redisplay the control.

public int


Get or set the width of the box.



public SUI.control.HSVSelector(see, object arg)

Create an HSV color selection control.


Name Type Description
see base class
String arg.color Initial color selection of the control.
Function arg.onChange Listener function that is executed each time the control's color selection changes.


private SUI.Border _border

The box's border.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_border

private int _bottom

The bottom position of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_bottom

private HTMLElementNode _el

The box's element node.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_el

private int _height

The height of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_height

private int _left

The left position of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_left

private int _listeners

The listeners array.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_listeners

private int _maxHeight

The maximum height of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_maxHeight

private int _maxWidth

The maximum width of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_maxWidth

private int _minHeight

The minimum height of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_minHeight

private int _minWidth

The minimum width of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_minWidth

private SUI.Padding _padding

The box's padding.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_padding

private SUI.Box _parent

The box's parent element.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_parent

private int _right

The right position of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_right

private int _top

The top position of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_top

private int _width

The width of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#_width


Length of the hue, saturation and value axes.


Width of the crosshair line.


Width of the hue bar.


Height of the hue crosshair image.


Width of the hue crosshair image.

public PADDING

Padding of the control (half of the sat.-value crosshair image size).


Width and height of the saturation-value crosshair image


distance between the saturation-value pane and hue bar


public absPos()

Get the absolute position (top/left) of this box on the page. Note: You can only use this function if the HTML content of the page is fully rendered.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#absPos

public addClass( String cls)

Add a CSS class name to the class list of the HTML element associated with the box.


Name Type Description
String cls the CSS class name to add

Inherited From: SUI.Box#addClass

public addListener( String type, Function listener)

Add/register a listener function. This way it is possible to register more than one listener function on one target.


Name Type Description
String type The listener type (i.e. "onClick", "onOK", etc).
Function listener The listener function.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#addListener

public SUI.Border border( SUI.Border b)

Get or set the border definition of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
SUI.Border b <optional>
The new border definition (or none to use this method as a getter).


SUI.Border the border definition of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#border

public int bottom( int b)

Get or set the bottom of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int b <optional>
The new bottom of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The bottom of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#bottom

public callListener( String type)

Call a listener function. Execute the default and additional listener functions. Note: the framework should not execute the default listeners directly but always through this method to ensure the execution of additional listener functions.


Name Type Description
String type The listener type (i.e. "onClick", "onOK", etc).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#callListener

public int clientHeight()

Get the client height of the box. The client height is the height of the box minus the top and bottom border and padding width.


int The client height of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#clientHeight

public int clientWidth()

Get the client width of the box. The client width is the width of the box minus the left and right border and padding width.


int The client width of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#clientWidth

public String colorCode( String c)

Set or get the HTML color code selection of the control.


Name Type Description
String c An HTML color code (#FF7700), or none to get the current color selection from the control.


String An HTML color code (#FF7700), or null if this method is used as a setter

public display()

Display HSV control. Set the size and position of the saturation-value pane, hue bar, crosshairs and set the background color of the saturation-value.

public draw()

Draw the box on the screen. It executes a two phase process: a layout phase in which the size and positions of the box (and of it's contents, for more complex derivatives) is calculated and a display phase in which the CSS size and position of the box's (and possible it's child elements) is set.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#draw

public HTMLElementNode el()

Get the HTML element node of the box.


HTMLElementNode the HTML element node of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#el

public int height( int h)

Get or set the height of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int h <optional>
The new height of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The height of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#height

public int hue( int hue)

Set or get the hue of the control's currently selected color and redisplay the control if the value was set.


Name Type Description
int hue The new hue for the control's currently selected color (0 <= hue <= 360), or no value to use this method as a getter.


int the hue of the control's currently selected color, or null if this method is used as a setter.

public layOut()

Lay out the HSV control. Calculate the size and position of the saturation-value pane and hue bar.

public int left( int l)

Get or set the left of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int l <optional>
The new left of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The left of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#left

public int maxHeight( int mh)

Get or set the maximum height of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int mh <optional>
The new maximum height of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The maximum height of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#maxHeight

public int maxWidth( int mw)

Get or set the maximum width of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int mw <optional>
The new maximum width of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The maximum width of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#maxWidth

public int minHeight( int mh)

Get or set the minimum height of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int mh <optional>
The new minimum height of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The minimum height of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#minHeight

public int minWidth( int mw)

Get or set the minimum width of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int mw <optional>
The new minimum width of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The minimum width of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#minWidth

public onChange( String c)

onChange event handler: is executed when the control's color selection changes. This happens continuously when the user is dragging the crosshairs.


Name Type Description
String c The HTML color code of the color that is currently selected by the control.
public SUI.Padding padding( SUI.Padding p)

Get or set the padding definition of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
SUI.Padding p <optional>
The new padding definition (or none to use this method as a getter).


SUI.Padding The padding definition of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#padding

public SUI.Box parent( SUI.Box p)

Get or set the parent box of the box. When setting the parent the box's element node will be appended to the parent box's HTML element node.


Name Type Description
SUI.Box p The parent box for this box (or none to use this method as a getter).


SUI.Box The parent box of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#parent

public removeBox()

Remove a box from the DOM tree.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#removeBox

public removeClass( String cls)

Remove a CSS class name from the class list of the HTML element associated with the box.


Name Type Description
String cls The CSS class name to remove.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#removeClass

public int right( int r)

Get or set the right of the box.


Name Type Description
int r The new right of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The right of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#right

public float saturation( float sat)

Set the saturation of the control's currently selected color and redisplay the control.


Name Type Description
float sat The new saturation for the control's currently selected color (0 <= saturation <= 1), or no value to use this method as a getter.


float the saturation of the control's currently selected color, or null if this method is used as a setter.

public setDim()

Set the CSS dimensions of this box and it's borders and padding. This is typically used in display functions to display boxes at the size and position that was calculated during layout.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#setDim

public setPos()

Set the CSS postion of this box. This is typically used in display functions to display boxes at position that was calculated during layout. Note: use setDim if you want to set the position and size of the box.

Inherited From: SUI.Box#setPos

public setRect( int | SUI.Box t, int l, int w, int h)

Set the top, left, width and height of a box in one go.


Name Type Argument Description
int | SUI.Box t The new top of the box or another reference box to copy the values from.
int l <optional>
The new left of the box (if the t parameter wasn't a reference Box).
int w <optional>
The new width of the box (if the t parameter wasn't a reference Box).
int h <optional>
The new length of the box (if the t parameter wasn't a reference Box).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#setRect

public int top( int t)

Get or set the top of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int t <optional>
The new top of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The top of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#top

public float value( float val)

Set the value of the control's currently selected color and redisplay the control.


Name Type Description
float val The new value for the control's currently selected color (0 <= value <= 1), or no value to use this method as a getter.


float the value of the control's currently selected color, or null if this method is used as a setter.

public int width( int w)

Get or set the width of the box.


Name Type Argument Description
int w <optional>
The new width of the box (or none to use this method as a getter).


int The width of the box (or null if this method was used as a setter).

Inherited From: SUI.Box#width