Class \Scrivo\Utilities\RawRequest

Class to facilitate executing HTTP requests using raw header data.

Example usage:

// Get ready to send some requests over https: $rr = new RawRequest("https", "");

// Retrieve some data using GET over https: $data = $rr->getResponse("GET HTTP/1.1\r\n". "Host:\r\n". "User-Agent: GetIt\r\n". "\r\n");

// Some data to post: $data = ""; $contentlength = strlen($data);

// Send and retrieve some data using POST over https: $data = $rr->getResponse("POST HTTP/1.1\r\n". "Host:\r\n". "User-Agent: PostIt\r\n". "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n". "Content-Length: $contentlength\r\n". "\r\n$data");

Defined in: Utilities/RawRequest.php.

Constructor summary

Attr. Name / Description

RawRequest($scheme, $host, $port)

Create a RawRequest object that can be used for multiple requests to the same host.

Member summary

Attr. Type Name Description
protected string $host The host to send the request to.
protected int $port The port to send the request to.
protected string $scheme The scheme to use for the request.

Method summary

Attr. Type Name / Description
public object


Send raw header data to the specified host and get the raw response back.



public RawRequest(string $scheme, string $host, int $port=null)

Create a RawRequest object that can be used for multiple requests to the same host.


Type Name Def. Description
string $scheme

The scheme to use (http or https).

string $host

The name of the host to send the reqeusts to.

int $port null

Optional: a specific port to send the request to, defaults to 80 (http) or 443 (https).


protected string $host

The host to send the request to.

protected int $port

The port to send the request to.

protected string $scheme

The scheme to use for the request.


public object getResponse()

Send raw header data to the specified host and get the raw response back.


Type Name Def. Description
$requstHeaders $requstHeaders


object Send raw header data to the specified host and get the raw response back.


Exception Type Description
\Scrivo\Utilities\Exception If there was a problem with opening, reading from or writing to the connection.

Documentation generated by phpDocumentor 2.0.0a12 and ScrivoDocumentor on August 29, 2013