Interface \Scrivo\StatusCodes

The StatusCodes interface just defines a number of status codes that can be returned from Scrivo exceptions.

Defined in: StatusCodes.php.

Constant summary

Name Description
CANNOT_DELETE_SYSTEM_USERS Constant to indicate deletion of system users.
LABEL_NOT_UNIQUE Constant to indicate creation of duplicate labels.
USER_CODE_IN_USE Constant to indicate that a user code is already in use.
USER_CODE_TOO_SHORT Constant to indicate that a choosen user code is too short.




Constant to indicate deletion of system users.

Value: 21


Constant to indicate creation of duplicate labels.

Value: 22


Constant to indicate that a user code is already in use.

Value: 2


Constant to indicate that a choosen user code is too short.

Value: 1

Documentation generated by phpDocumentor 2.0.0a12 and ScrivoDocumentor on August 29, 2013